Mandala 05.19.20
2020 – oil on linen, 60 x 60
BEAUTY in the midst of uncertainty and fear. My post of an image of beauty to counter the currently overwhelming fear narrative.
Mandala 05.19.20
Just completed a new vision of a timeless symbol: the mandala. Mandalas are often known as being universal symbols of transformation or enlightenment, the meaning of their substance is open to varied interpretations. I have my own. In this recently finished Mandala painting, the image holds a space for both the macrocosmic and the microcosmic. I ask myself, what are the spiritual icons of our time? As a collector of Russian Icons, I’m well aware of the potency of an icon to convey a powerful mystical message. In my work, However, I don’t look towards Saints and Dieties. I look to the wonder of creation itself, from the very beginning of our Universe, across an expanse of billions of years, to my paintings, such as this one. In them, I seek an alignment with the Universe and the Cosmos. In my personal philosophy of Creativity, I believe every creative act is related, a cousin to each other, spanning the family tree of creation to the very first moment this Universe came into existence. Whether we are consciously choosing to create or unaware of how we are creating, we are mirroring the creative action that unveiled our Universe.