Morning Butterfly 22
2006, oil on panel, dimensions unknown
BEAUTY In the midst uncertainty, and fear. My daily post of one image of beauty to counter the currently overwhelming fear narrative.
This theme, my Papillon du Matin (Morning Butterfly) series, was so popular, I created more than 30 unique pieces over several years. It’s symbolic depiction of transformation and transcendence. A figure appears to be walking on water. It’s not clear whether it’s walking towards or away from the viewer. An ethereal representation of butterfly wings appear at the sides of the figure, making the human form become a butterfly’s thorax. What does it mean to transcend? My personal belief is that we are individually called to transcend our personal limitations and rise to our greatest potential as human beings. In my imperfect way, I have chosen that path and come to know that it is an incremental journey of slow transformation. When it appears I’ve arrived, I realize it’s time to begin the journey again. There is more to learn, more to become. Is that not what humanity is now being called to—what it has always been called to? The message is so clear to me, all my senses resonate a powerful YES.